·        Introduction of pigeons
        Pigeon is a Colum biform bird race that was derived from the pigeon (also known as the rock pigeon). The pigeon is that the world's oldest domesticated bird. Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets mention the domestication of pigeons more than 5,000 years ago, as do Egyptian hieroglyphics. [2] Research suggests that domestication of pigeons occurred as early as 10,000 years ago. [2]
Pigeons have created contributions of sizable importance to humanity, particularly in times of war. [3] In war the homing ability of pigeons has been put to use by making them messengers. So-called war pigeons have carried several very important messages and a few are embellished for his or her services. Medals like the Croix Diamond State guerre, awarded to Cher Ami, and the Dickin Medal awarded to the pigeons G.I. Joe and Paddy, amongst thirty-two others, have been awarded to pigeons for their services in saving human lives.
The ability a Colum biform bird must come back home from an odd location necessitates 2 types of info. The first, known as "map sense" is their geographic location. The second, "compass sense" is that the bearing they have to fly from their new location so as to succeed in their home. Both of those senses, however, reply to variety of various cues in numerous things
·         food
Pigeons also are bred for meat, typically known as squab and harvested from young birds. Pigeons grow to a really massive size within the nest before they're fledged and ready to fly, and during this stage of their development (when they're known as squabs) they are prized as food. For business meat production a breed of huge white Colum biform bird, named "King Colum biform bird," has been developed by selective breeding. Breeds of pigeons developed for his or her meat area unit together referred to as utility pigeons.
·        Pigeon related illness
Pigeon breeders generally suffer from associate degree disorder referred to as bird fancier's respiratory organ or Colum biform bird respiratory organ. A variety of hypersensitivity redness, Colum biform bird respiratory organ is caused by the inhalation of the craniate proteins found in feathers and dung. It will generally be combated by carrying a filtered mask. [21] alternative Colum biform bird connected pathogens inflicting respiratory organ sickness area unit Chlamydophila psittaci (which causes psittacosis, Histoplasma capsulatum (which causes histoplasmosis and Cryptococcus neoformans, which causes cryptococcosis
·         Types of Pigeons
  1. domestic pigeons
A number of Colum biform bird breeds area unit raised domestically — for sport, for hobby and for food. When these domestic pigeons area unit accidentally or deliberately discharged into the wild, {they willnot|they can't|they can not} argue themselves within the same means that a wild columbiform bird can. These area unit the pigeons we tend to most typically rescue and soak up at Palomacy.
  1. King Pigeons
King Pigeons are bred for food (squab). They are larger than both feral and homing pigeons, and are pure white with pink beaks. King Pigeons area unit generally bought and discharged by well-meaning people United Nations agency “save” them from live animal markets. Unfortunately, King Pigeons face certain death in the wild since they do not have proper flight or survival skills. They do, however, create wonderful pets and building residents. They are tame and accustomed to human contact.
  1. Racing and Homing Pigeons
Homing pigeons is a range of colours, however area unit normally blue (similar to wild pigeons), or white. These pigeons area unit raced competitively, used as wedding and event “doves,” or kept as pets. They are muscular and robust flyers with powerful orientating instincts, and that they area unit trained to come back to their lofts once a race or event. Homers and racers do, however, get lost or injured. Because they're banded, you can often trace their ownership by the information on the band. Occasionally, a lost {homing columbiform bird|homer|domestic pigeon} can assimilate into a wild flock and you will see the occasional banded pigeon hunt together with her wild mates.
  1. Fancy Pigeons
Fancy Pigeons area unit specialised breeds unbroken by hobbyists and columbiform bird fanciers. Some hobbyists show their pigeons in competitions, similar to dog shows. Others keep fancy pigeons as personal pets. There area unit many types of fancy pigeons together with breeds like Pouters, Tumblers and Owls. The gallery below showcases samples of the numerous fancy breeds.
  1. Feral Pigeons
Most pigeons you’ll realize in urban or {suburban|residential district|residential area unita|community} settings are savage Rock Pigeons. These area unit the common blue kind of pigeons that roost on buildings and forage for food publically plazas. In the rural area, they typically roost in barns or around bridges and natural drop-off areas.
Feral pigeons generally cross-breed with domestic pigeons, passing on color and body covering variations down through generations.
Feral pigeons area unit well custom-made to cities, suburbs and rural areas. Unless you discover associate degree blistered savage columbiform bird or associate degree parentless baby, wild pigeons ought to typically be left alone to measure as wild birds.
  1. Band-Tailed Pigeons
Band-tailed Pigeons area unit wild pigeons native to North America and therefore the sea-coast. True to their name, these pigeons have a protracted, grey banded tail and conjointly a white band and iridescent patch at the nucha of the neck.

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